Remove darker images from timelapse

I had a project where I took a picture from a security camera every 15 minutes in order to build a timelapse. The project lasted almost a year so I didn’t have a good way to set the day/night schedule as the seasons changed. I ended up taking pictures every 15...

Move CD-Drive Letter in Lab

1..26 | % { Invoke-Command -ComputerName “LABNAME-C$($_)” -ScriptBlock { Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_volume -Filter “DriveLetter = “”$(Get-Volume | ? { $_.DriveType -eq “CD-ROM” } | select -ExpandProperty DriveLetter | select...

Select only 25 Active Emails as CSV

$mail = @(); $teachers = Get-ADUser -filter { mail -like “*” } -Properties mail | ? { $_.Enabled -eq $True } | select mail | select -First 25 | % { $mail += $_.mail }; $mail -join “,” | clip $mail = @(); $teachers = Get-ADUser...