Netware 6.5 Broadcast on Down

Yes I still have many Netware 6.5 servers around. During this summer I have done a lot of restarting to get some of our new software working properly. I hate the broadcast message when you down a server. Thought I would make a quick note of how to disable it. set...

CLI downloading

I administer several Linux boxes for personal stuff, at work, and for a few clients and I usually have a need to download and upload files from the command line. Here a just a few examples using wget, ftp, and curl. To download a file using wget: wget -c...

chmod Calculator

I don’t have enough brain space left to memorize this stuff anymore. chmod Caclulator

RDP Remote Desktop Connection in XP PRE-SP3

I always like to live on the edge so I slipstreamed my XP cd’s with the PRE-SP3. One feature that quit working is the RDP client. The fix is simple. Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection software Open a command prompt in the same window where you saved the file....

Date for Filename

I was writing some more backup scripts. I wanted to save the files by the date. This will format the date in a command line as MM/DD/YYYY %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%

SCP Recursively

I was needing to move a Virtual Machine from one Linux Server to another. I had used SCP before and only moved single files but I wanted a way to move an entire folder. Easy enough but I had a space in the folder names I was sending. I kept getting “scp:...

MySQL – Move Database

Recently I had to move several MySQL databases around. I just wanted to make note of the commands here. mysqldump -uroot -p [DB_NAME] > file.sql mysql -uroot -p [DB_NAME] < source file.sql

Schedule XP Task CLI

Command Line to Schedule Tasks in XP: For example, to run test.bat everyday at 11:00PM: at 23:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F c:\test.bat

Command Line Emailer

I’m working on a couple of batch files for backups and I needed a way to send logs if it fails. This looks very promising and will be looking into it further. Syntax for my purposes: blat.exe -server [SERVER[:PORT]] -u [USERNAME] -pw...