Server Archived Log Files

We have a policy to retain our security log files for 90 days. Our domain policy is setup to auto archive the logs instead of overwriting them. The problem is that the 90 day rule doesn’t stick since there aren’t any entries in the current log file for...

pfSense – Captive Portal

To have reusable vouchers: Edit /etc/inc/ and modify: /* This user was already logged in so we disconnect the old one */ captiveportal_disconnect($cpentry,$radiusservers,13);...

Grub2 Customizer

My previously written custom script to make Windows and Ubuntu show as the first two items in Grub no longer works after my latest install of Ubuntu 12.04. Looks like its back to using a utility to do the job. sudo add-apt-repository...

Disable IPv6 from CLI

This must be run from a Administrator Command Prompt. REG.EXE ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services \Tcpip6\Parameters /v “DisabledComponents” /t REG_DWORD /d 0xffffffff

Windows XP Add New Hardware USB

Recently ran into a problem where an XP Machine was always popping up asking to install drivers for every little thing including USB Mouse and USB Mass Storage Device which shouldn’t ever happen. To fix it where it automatically installs the driver and assigns a...

Software Activation Workaround

Was working in a local Dr. Office who is no longer paying a subscription/maintenance on their software since I am now taking care of supporting them. All of a sudden, without warning, their software required activation. I have saved the activation file for the server...

Custom Grub Script for Dual Booting Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows XP

Most of the work I do with Ubuntu Linux is on home computers where the user needs to have Windows XP (Vista, 7) as a boot option. The best way for Ubuntu, or Linux in general, to work is if its on its own partition and not installed with the Wubi Installer. One of the...