Was working in a local Dr. Office who is no longer paying a subscription/maintenance on their software since I am now taking care of supporting them. All of a sudden, without warning, their software required activation. I have saved the activation file for the server but this time it didn’t work to just put the file back. Turns out it was connecting back to their activation server. I ended up tracking down the solution with…

c:\>ipconfig /displaydns

Windows IP Configuration

         Record Name . . . . . : activate.softwareco.com
         Record Type . . . . . : 1
         Time To Live  . . . . : 601260
         Data Length . . . . . : 4
         Section . . . . . . . : Answer
         A (Host) Record . . . :


At this point I knew that it was resolving “activate.softwareco.com”. I simply added the following line to the hosts file and the server no longer checks for activation and my LEGIT license file still works!	 activate.softwareco.com
*Obviously for privacy and security the “activate.softwareco.com” is a fictional domain. The subdomain was identical but the domain is fictional.