VirtualBox 2.1

Although I have been a huge fan of VMWare Server I’m not apposed to alternatives. I’ve tried VirtualBox in the past with very little luck due to the Host Networking issues. However, it appears in the latest 2.1 version they have greatly improved on the...

Empty File Size

I was recently working on graphing some network information. I like to use CactiEZ running on a VMWare Server. I was trying to graph hard drive space on a Windows 2003 box. I was wanting to make sure the graphs are truely representing whats there so I wanted to make...

14 Windows Commands

Thought this was very useful information…

RDP Remote Desktop Connection in XP PRE-SP3

I always like to live on the edge so I slipstreamed my XP cd’s with the PRE-SP3. One feature that quit working is the RDP client. The fix is simple. Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection software Open a command prompt in the same window where you saved the file....

Date for Filename

I was writing some more backup scripts. I wanted to save the files by the date. This will format the date in a command line as MM/DD/YYYY %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%